This is one of those back to the basics classic kids nature activity. Kids around the world having been making wild flowers bouquets forever and yet I simply had to write our experience because this nature activity was not preplanned and it just happened one afternoon. More importantly I was very much fascinated by the fact that a couple of plastic containers inspired this gorgeous nature play for kids. I’m so thrilled that my 11 year and 9 year old still enjoy playful nature activities and nature crafts. Since we are in a lockdown here, we have been spending a lot of time in our backyard being surrounded by nature. Gives us all much needed peace, calm and fresh air.
With all this time, the kids just started collecting a bunch flowers and started this activity. It was initially supposed to be a simple spring flower potions play like we did years ago but then turned into a homemade natural paint kids activity and eventually a flower bouquet making activity.
These colorful products of a wonderful afternoon of nature play have been decorating our window sill ( well until they wither away of course!)
I didn’t realize we had a huge variety of flowers since your eyes just focus on the larger ones like roses and camelias. The main draw was these cute plastic containers I had in our STEAM cart.
Materials needed, process, colorful images for inspiration, tips & tricks for having a bright display