Science Experiments for Kids: Erupting Apple Science
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Setting up science experiments for kids can be just as fun as watching them engage in them. I usually involve the kids in the entire set up process. Other times I set up the science experiment and have them guess what the ingredients are why certain reactions are happening. Both methods have their own benefits. This time however I set up the experiment by myself so that the older kid, 6 will have a chance at making observations and predictions about the entire process.
{More Apple Activities for Kids}
This apple science experiment is also a great one to engage the kids during set up because of the sensory elements involved in making the “apples” The children will have a grand time making the “apples”
The end of the post has the entire recipe and the process to make these fun, colorful apples.
We placed the “apples” in separate bowls set out vinegar in squeeze bottles and I prepared the kids to make guesses about the ingredients in the “apples”
Once the vinegar hits the apples you will start seeing the suds and the chemical reaction between the acid and the base begins.
Once the fizzing begins, you can pop questions about the ingredients in the apples to the kids.
The kids were very much in the mood to destroy and smash the apples. Sensory activity alert!! While one kid had fun squishing up the apples, the other was on a mission to empty out all the vinegar to create fizzies.
At this stage depending on the age of the child you can take this apple science experiment any way you want. I always like to continue to engage the kids to make predictions and use language to describe what;s happening in front of them. Since we have done plenty of baking soda- vinegar science experiments it was clear to the kids that the apples must contain baking soda.
The eruptions were vibrant with big bursts of color.
You can always add extra soap during the activity to create more suds.
All the colorful apples finally erupted colorfully in unison!
Recipe for erupting apples science experiment
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1 TBSP water
- 1 TBSP liquid watercolors { our favorite Sax
- 3 squirts of liquid soap
- Vinegar in squeeze bottles
Science Experiments for Kids with erupting apple science
- Divide the baking soda in 3 separate bowls { for each color}
- Add 1 cup of baking soda in each bowl
- Add 1 TBSP of water and 1 TBSP of liquid watercolors a little bit at a time and start making the dough
- Mix well to incorporate the color uniformly over the baking soda
- Add the liquid soap and mold the baking soda into “apples”
- Add a couple of leaves for the final touch
- Leave them in the freezer overnight for the “apples” to harden
- Squirt vinegar and watch the soapy erupting apples
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Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas. We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas.