What is the weather today mommy? This was this first question from my 4yr old. She has to make many important decisions and choices today, which is –
What clothes should I wear to school? Can I wear full sleeves or half? Pants or shorts? Tights or socks? Thick jacket or fleece?
With that in mind we created a weather for kids activity for our Resident Meteorologist.So we put our thinking caps on and decided to study weather and make our very own weather chart. To start off we learnt two important words – Meteorology and Meteorologist.
Please remember this activity can be split into more than 1 session. Everything depends on the child’s attention span.
[box title=”Things we used” color=”#dc4f22″]
- Circular cardboard
- Construction paper
- Craft sticks
- Glue
- Pens
- Glitter glue – You can never have too much glitter !
- Ruler
- Magnets – 2
I’m going to break them into steps so it’s easier to follow. I must add that this project definitely needs some adult supervision and help.
Step 1 : Make a plan
Big S and I discussed about the day’s weather and I jotted down our findings to ease our planning.
Step 2: Getting all the materials ready
1. We drew a few clouds, grey clouds, sun, lightning strikes, snow flakes, mittens and winter hats. [highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″]Simple sketches and drawings become a natural part of the activity.[/highlight]
2. I helped create a pie chart with six sections for our six weather conditions.
3. She wrote the different weather conditions and glued them to the craft sticks to make labels. [highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″]We always incorporate writing in our activities. Writing prompts become a natural part of our activity.[/highlight]
4. We made an arrow and attached it to one of the magnets to use as our weather needle.
Step 3: Building the wheel
1. Glue the pie chart to the circular cardboard.
2. Choose the appropriate clippings for the weather conditions and glue them to the sections
3. Attach the craft stick labels
4. And finally use the magnets, one on the back and the other on the top to create the pointer. Its easier on the little hands to move and make it a bit more interesting.
All done , there you have it ! Weather for kids activity.
Living in the Midwest Big S knows about tornadoes and flash flooding.All of us are aware of those mega sirens ! We spoke about severe weather scenarios.
We talked about dressing appropriately for weather outside. That’s what got us started on this project in the first place.
[box title=”Learning de jour” color=”#dc4f22″]
- Different weather conditions.
- What makes the weather and how weather changes with seasons.
- Where does rain come from?
- What is snow?
- Rainy day and stormy weather.
- What is lightning ?
- How to dress appropriately for the different weather conditions.
Thanks for reading
Happy Sharing
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