Christmas Crafts for Kids : Homemade Ornaments with Foam Cups
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Well, we haven’t really caught the Christmas crafts fever yet! Last year the kids and I managed to do a few Christmas crafts but we couldn’t share them all with you! Here is a simple homemade ornament kids made last year. Such an easy ornament but doesn’t compromise on the cute factor. Also see our super cute Jingle Cars Ornament!
Materials { Affiliate product links below for your reference}
Not a lot of materials huh? Gotta love these upcycle projects! { <—Here are a few more of them}
Using acrylic paint have the kids paint over the cups using some cheerful colors.
Then to make those brightly colored cups extra colorful and cheerful we added a big dose of glitter on them when they were still wet with paint. While the cups are drying set out a few colorful jingle bells. { You can purchase them at your local craft store or online. Link included above}
Set the materials out for the children. Christmas Crafts don’t have to be very involved. This project right here was perfect for my kids { aged 3 and 5 then} More importantly they were able to enjoy the homemade ornament making process together.
Once the paint dries, along with the jingle bells set out some sparkly pipe cleaners.
Have them thread one bell at a time through some pipe cleaners. { Cue fine motor practice}
Punch out 2 holes on the bottom of the foam cup.
The children can easily thread a pipe cleaner through the holes in the cups.
You can leave the top portion of the pipe cleaners as it is { like a handle to hang on the tree} Or the kids can turn them into hearts for good measure.
What do you think? Do these Jingle Cups fall under the super easy Christmas Crafts for kids category? Talk to us in the comments!
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Did you like this Christmas craft and ornament making activity? Then this book would be a PERFECT fit for you.
This wonderful ebook has 30 easy ornament making ideas with affordable supplies.
A convenient tool to have when you have enough things to accomplish around the Holidays. This book saves you a lot of time when you don’t have time to browse through Pinterest for ornament making ideas. Each project comes with a handy list of supplies needed.
Each project is shared on one page which makes it easy to be used as a printable in classroom projects.
Many of the ideas are perfectly suitable for Christmas Fair Fundraising items and have been “tried and tested” by readers over the years.
Affordable price $7.99
Not the crafting type? That’s ok! I bet you know someone who loves making Christmas crafts and ornaments and probably has the tree up now! Why don’t you spread the joy and present them with this fabulous book?
What are you waiting for? Click on the image and purchase and download the book and get CRAFTING with your family.