What do you prefer? Doing chores around the house, working at an office all day or playing with your kids? I’d almost always choose “playing with my kids” and I guess so would you, except when the kids are super cranky of course. I get that! But do we all find the time to get down and dirty with kids every. single.day? May be not. May be some of us are organized enough to make the time to “play with” the kids. May be some of us parents are winging it through the day. But don’t you think setting aside at least 30 uninterrupted minutes per day for the kids is great for them? I think so and that’s why I have joined with other bloggers to present you with 100 Days of Play. Here you will find ideas for simple play that will let you connect with your kids without fancy play set ups or even fancier toys.
Our contribution is a super simple pom poms pretend and sensory play.
I love this easy kids activity because it combines so many types of play. It can work as a sensory activity for kids. It also can function as a role play kids activity for older kids and even a simple busy play kids activity.
I simply added a bag of pom poms, cookie scoop and snow cone cups.
I quickly made a few currency notes for extending play. This is clearly optional or if you have play money they will work perfectly here.
Then the kids ( 4 and 2) started off with scooping,pouring, transferring the pom poms and creating ice cream sundaes for each other.
Pom Poms ice cream shop play. After I put down the camera! the three of us had a fun time creating wonderful ice cream sundaes. My 4 year also played the “ice cream girl” and managed the cashbox. She did some mean math with the paper money!
At the end of our sensory play session, we created fun pom pom sundaes topped with left over Easter grass!
So you think this is a doable kids activity? You can easily switch the pom poms with cotton balls and you don’t have to create a ice cream shop. May be you can mix up those pom poms with any other sensory material- rice? pasta? Let the child lead the play.
That’s our play session
I’ll leave you with this thought.
Is there a thing that irks you the most and the same thing is loved to bits by your kid? I’m not talking about eating candy by the bowl or watching never ending episodes of kids tv. I’m talking about your kid’s love for dirt and worms and your abhorrence for all things muddy and brown! Or are you the parent who can never play pretend tea parties or ponies but your child lives and breathes anything itty bitty and pink? Are you a nervous Nelly and your child the next Evel Knievel. It could be anything..
For us it is “Playing pretend animals especially Cheetah and the deer” I simply have to be the deer eating grass and my 4 year old has to chase me as the cheetah. We play this game every single day at least 3 times. It is a mind numbing game for an adult BUT it brings such joy and pleasure to my 4 year old.I’m NOT trying to be a saint. I can tell you that it really gets annoying after a while and I have heartlessly asked her to pick another game since it was downright boring to be running around pretending to be animals every day. But then I have to catch myself and apologize to that little heart because for her it is not about the silly game but it is all about hanging out with mommy without any TV, phones, sound of dishes clanking or the constant ” in a minute babe”. I encourage you to play WITH your child ( it is not that easy) and pick something she/he loves.
Thanks for reading
New ideas shared each day from 4/1 – 7/20.
I love the notes you made to go along with your play! ALWAYS thrilled to see moms trying to put some fun, educational touches to their children’s play. And who doesn’t love to play ice cream shop??? Thanks so much for sharing in our 100 Days of Play! Loving your activity contribution!